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Easy read data notice

For individuals who have Just Checking installed in their homes

Just Checking is a type of technology that shows your family and people who care for you how you are coping at home. It uses small movement sensors and door sensors that look like this:Easy read data notice 1 - Just Checking It sends information to charts on the internet that look like this:Easy read data notice 2 - Just Checking There are no cameras or microphones — Just Checking cannot ‘see’ or ‘hear’ you.

What information about me does Just Checking take?

Just Checking stores your initials and your movements around your house over a set period of time. For example, Just Checking may show that you have been in the lounge for 1 hour followed by the kitchen for half an hour. It will also show what time these movements happened at. Just Checking won’t store your name or the address of your house.

Who can see this information?

Only your family members, anyone your family members choose to share the information with, and Just Checking employees can see this information. All Just Checking employees have received training to make sure they keep your information safe. We regularly test our systems to make sure no one can get to the information when they aren’t supposed to.

What is the reason (‘ or lawful basis’) for using this information?

We use the information we’ve talked about because you have told us to or someone has told us to on your behalf to protect your vital interests. In other words, this information about you can help make sure you get the right support and you can live safely in your own home. You or your family member will have been responsible for making this decision. All of the information we collect is necessary for us to provide our services to you and your family.

Get in touch about your data

If you have a question about how we use your data, or would like to request a copy of it or that we delete it, please email Please note we may not be able to delete your data if there is a legal reason we need to keep it.